May 2023

Wellspring Mother Artist Feature:


Elaine Elledge

It's a joy to introduce mother-artist, Elaine Elledge, a contemporary printmaker and installation artist from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She enjoys creating woodcuts, transparent papers, interactive installations, and conceptual art outside gallery walls. Her current work explores the “hope-filled side of sorrow by visualizing memories, longings, and losses. Beauty is central to my process: I believe creating work that is beautiful about difficult concepts offers viewers hopeful consolation.”
We encourage you to follow her socials and hope you enjoy this wonderful glimpse into her beautiful mother-artist journey!

Mia + Jess

WELLSPRING: To what do you attribute your style of making? (This may include: influences, art movements, artists, etc...)

ELAINE: My influences range from scherenschnitte (German cut paper art) and the street art movement to Jewish history and fantasy stories.

WELLSPRING: Where do you look for inspiration?

ELAINE: Slow moments with my children, time to read and write, walks, and meaningful conversation are my favorite places to look for inspiration.

WELLSPRING: What excites you about what you are working on right now?

ELAINE: I have found a direction for my work that seems full of questions and possibility. It feels wonderful to see an intersection of concept and process that feels like "home".

Find what makes your spirit sing, and don’t stop creating - not matter how small or unseen it may seem.”

WELLSPRING: How or where do you see your faith intersect with your creative expression as a mother artist?

ELAINE: Children and knowledge of God both help us see beauty in the world around us and delight in it. Creating as an overflow of that delight is an integral part of my experience as well as tying in themes of renewal and hope that are based on my spiritually influenced worldview.

WELLSPRING: How has your motherhood journey impacted your creative process or your way of seeing/thinking?

ELAINE: Being a mother seems to force me to find slowness, patience, and contentment despite my natural inclination in the opposite direction. Interestingly, these are also what I have needed to flourish as a creative. I was worried that becoming a mother would hinder my art practice but instead it has given me tools to make art in a fuller and more directed way.

WELLSPRING: What encouragement or wisdom would you share with another mother wanting to pursue her creative call?

ELAINE: Process is more significant than product. Find what makes your spirit sing and don't stop creating no matter how small or unseen it might seem. A lot of little pieces can make a big pile.

WELLSPRING: Please share with us where we can see, read, or experience your creative work: (i.e. social media, website, exhibits, concert info, blogs, books, etc...)

ELAINE: Instagram: @elaineelledge



We hope you enjoyed this Wellspring Mother Artist feature!

Stay tuned for more, we’ll be releasing two each month as part of our Open Call Collaboration, you can check out the details here. Interested in being featured? Send us an email over at with a statement of interest and share your Instagram @ handle or other social media presence.